“When Home is a Forgotten Song”: Art under Ecological Collapse - Panel discussion “When Home is a Forgotten Song”: Art under Ecological Collapse - Panel discussion - Mac Andre Arboleda, Marita Muukkonen, Taiye Ojo, Lucia Pietroiusti
Die ökologische Degradation führt zu einer ganz anderen Form der Vertreibung, die sich in dem immer häufiger auftretenden Phänomen der Klimamigration und sogar in der durch den Klimawandel bedingten Erfahrung der Entfremdung von der Heimat äußert, ohne diese jemals verlassen zu müssen. Die Podiumsdiskussion wird die verschiedenen Formen beleuchten, mit denen Künstler*Innen Zeugnis vom ökologischen Kollaps ablegen. Darüber hinaus wird das Gespräch der Frage nachgehen, wie das künstlerische Denken einen einzigartigen Raum für die Entwicklung von Prototypen bietet: Taiye Ojo (NG), Mac Andre Arboleda (PH), Lucia Pietroiusti (IT) stellen alternative Beziehungen zwischen der menschlichen, der natürlichen und der technologischen Welt her und eröffnen Wege zu besseren ökologischen Konfigurationen. Moderation: Marita Mukkonen (FI)
State of the Art(ist), 7.9.2023, Ars Electronica Festival Ecological degradation yields a very different form of displacement, seen through the increasingly common phenomenon of climate migration and even the climate change-induced experience of becoming alienated from one’s homeland without ever having to leave it. This panel will highlight the various modes artists employ in bearing witness to ecological collapse. Additionally, the conversation will explore how art thinking offers a unique space for prototyping Panelists: Taiye Ojo (NG), Mac Andre Arboleda (PH), Lucia Pietroiusti (IT) alternate relations between the human, natural and technological worlds, opening pathways toward better ecological configurations. Moderation: Marita Mukkonen (FI)
State of the Art(ist), 7.9.2023, Ars Electronica Festival
State of the Art(ist), 7.9.2023, Ars Electronica Festival Ecological degradation yields a very different form of displacement, seen through the increasingly common phenomenon of climate migration and even the climate change-induced experience of becoming alienated from one’s homeland without ever having to leave it. This panel will highlight the various modes artists employ in bearing witness to ecological collapse. Additionally, the conversation will explore how art thinking offers a unique space for prototyping Panelists: Taiye Ojo (NG), Mac Andre Arboleda (PH), Lucia Pietroiusti (IT) alternate relations between the human, natural and technological worlds, opening pathways toward better ecological configurations. Moderation: Marita Mukkonen (FI)
State of the Art(ist), 7.9.2023, Ars Electronica Festival
Video Link: https://talksandlectures.aec.at/video/1128
Quelle: Ars Electronica Archiv Source: Ars Electronica Archive 2023