Space Art – Trial and Error in Art & Science Space Art – Trial and Error in Art & Science - Horst Hörtner
Biographie: Horst Hörtner (AT) ist Medienkünstler und Forscher. Er ist Experte für das Design von Human Computer Interaction und hält mehrere Patente auf diesem Gebiet. In den 1980er Jahren begann er im Bereich der Medienkunst zu arbeiten und gründete 1990 die Medienkunstgruppe x-space in Graz/Österreich. Hörtner ist 1996 Gründungsmitglied des Ars Electronica Futurelab und leitet seitdem dieses Atelier/Labor. Seit 2013 ist Horst Hörtner auch als Conjoint-Professor an der University of Newcastle/Australien tätig. Er arbeitet im Spannungsfeld von Kunst und Wissenschaft und hält Vorträge auf zahlreichen internationalen Konferenzen und Universitäten. Hörst Hörtner über „ARTSAT-Skulptur“ oder „ASCII-Himmel” von Richard Kriesche, und “Kosmische Eierspeis” von x-space (1991).
ERROR – The Art of Imperfection Conference II – Space Art – Trial and Error in Art & Science, Ars Electronica Festival, 09.09.2018 Biography: Horst Hörtner (AT) is a media artist and researcher. He is expert in design of Human Computer Interaction and holds several patents in this field. He started to work in the field of media art in the 1980ies and co-founded the media art group x-space in Graz/Austria in 1990. Hörtner is founding member of the Ars Electronica Futurelab in 1996 and since then directing this atelier/laboratory. Since 2013, Horst Hörtner also holds a position as conjoint Professor at the University of Newcastle/Australia. He is working in the nexus of art & science and giving lectures and talks at numerous international conferences and universities. Talk by Horst Hörtner about „ARTSAT-Skulptur“ or „ASCII-Himmel” by Richard Kriesche, and “Kosmische Eierspeis” by x-space (1991).
ERROR – The Art of Imperfection Conference II – Space Art – Trial and Error in Art & Science, Ars Electronica Festival, 9th September 2018
ERROR – The Art of Imperfection Conference II – Space Art – Trial and Error in Art & Science, Ars Electronica Festival, 09.09.2018 Biography: Horst Hörtner (AT) is a media artist and researcher. He is expert in design of Human Computer Interaction and holds several patents in this field. He started to work in the field of media art in the 1980ies and co-founded the media art group x-space in Graz/Austria in 1990. Hörtner is founding member of the Ars Electronica Futurelab in 1996 and since then directing this atelier/laboratory. Since 2013, Horst Hörtner also holds a position as conjoint Professor at the University of Newcastle/Australia. He is working in the nexus of art & science and giving lectures and talks at numerous international conferences and universities. Talk by Horst Hörtner about „ARTSAT-Skulptur“ or „ASCII-Himmel” by Richard Kriesche, and “Kosmische Eierspeis” by x-space (1991).
ERROR – The Art of Imperfection Conference II – Space Art – Trial and Error in Art & Science, Ars Electronica Festival, 9th September 2018
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Quelle: Ars Electronica Archiv Source: Ars Electronica Archive 2018